How to Love Your Neighbors During COVID-19

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Social Distancing is necessary in light of the threat of the coronavirus and COVID-19. Let’s embrace these measures for the sake of our neighbors whose immune systems aren’t as strong. Loving Our Neighbors is also important and we thought we would throw out a few ideas to inspire you to love well in the midst of uncertainty:

1.       Make a list of your neighbors – the neighbors on your block and the folks in your broader network. Take 5 minutes to think about who might need your help right now.

2.       Do you have a 65+ neighbor? Call, text, or knock and keep a safe distance and ask if they need anything – groceries, a prescription refilled, a good book to read to pass the day.

3.       Do you have a nurse, doctor, EMT or a first responder in your life? Mow their lawn while they’re at work. It one less thing for them to think about and a simple way to show you care.

4.       Do you have working parents with school-aged children who need childcare support now that schools are closed? Offer to watch their kids for a day. Ask other neighbors if they would be willing to help too.

5.       Do you have a sick neighbor that is quarantining him or herself? Call or text to find out what they might need and leave it on their doorstep so they can access it without exposing you to sickness.

6.       Do you know someone in a nursing home or hospital who no longer is allowed to have visitors? Give them a call and let them know they’re not alone.

7.       Do you have neighbors or friends who struggle with anxiety? Check in on them and encourage them to embrace self-care strategies like limiting social media and news consumption. If they are open to prayer, pray with them.

8.       Do you know a family that struggles with food insecurity? Share some of the groceries you picked up for own family.

9.       Do you have Asian-American neighbors? Many are experiencing a lot of ignorant comments and racism right now. Talk to your kids about why that’s wrong and if you hear others saying racist things, gently but firmly confront it.

10.   Are you a block captain or an admin on a neighborhood message board? Use your existing network to reach out and see if there are neighbors in need.

In all these things, pray, and experience the peace that surpasses understanding.