The Spirit of Our Politics: Pastors Event


One of the top three needs identified by Richmond pastors in 2024 is the opportunity for senior pastors to connect with their peers and be better equipped to lead their congregations in the area of faithful Christian engagement in public life.

Our political climate is filled with division and rage. It leaves people discouraged, angry, bitter, and hopeless. When political division shows up not only on the campaign trail, but also at our dinner tables and in our churches, you might wonder: Does it have to be this way? As Christians, can we be part of a better way?

Keynote speaker Michael Wear is a leading thinker on the intersection of faith and public life and believes we can. Wear thinks Christians can engage faithfully in politics, resulting in healing rather than division, kindness rather than hatred, and hope rather than despair. In his new book, The Spirit of Our Politics: Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Public Life, Wear argues that by focusing on having the "right" politics, we've lost sight of the kind of people we are becoming, but that there is a better, more God-honoring way to engage.

This keynote will be tailored specifically to pastors and will include a time of Q&A with Michael Wear, round table discussion with peers, and time for fellowship. Coffee and pastries from Sugar & Twine will be provided. Tickets are $20 and available using the link to our Eventbrite page below.

Thank you to our event sponsors: East End Fellowship, First Presbyterian Church, Hill City Church, Third Church, St. Giles, and Cool Springs Baptist.